Specialist Care
We have been proud that, in recent years, we have become well recognised by local authorities and the NHS for providing quality care packages for individuals with specialist needs.
Our specialist care service can be provided for those individuals who need regular visits through the day and night. These visits can range from 15 minutes to an hour every two hours. Our service can be 1:1 support all the way through to 4:1 support for assistance with moving and handling.
One of our specialties is that of bariatric care, those individuals with a BMI of 40 or above. All of our carers have been rigorously trained in this area, and we can provide up to 4 carers at a time with personal care, pressure area relief, moving and handling.
If you or a relative have an Individual Health Budget, we can help you with your needs as we are an approved NHS / CCG Provider
Please visit our contact us page to send us a message or call us at: 01422 419710
- Suction Equipment
- Peg ( Feed & Medication )
- Bariatric Care
- Complex Packages
- 2 Hourly Visit and 24 Hour Availablilty
- Sitting Services
- End of Life Care
- Pressure Area Care
For more information on any of our services, or to make an enquiry about having Angelcare support you, please contact Zoe or Tom on 01422 351369